Pre-employment medical exam
Pre-employment medical exam AMSTERDAM
What is a pre-employment medical?
Why is an pre-employment medical necessary?
Certain job positions have certain risks. However, this is not always clear beforehand. If you wish to require more information about the medical pre-employment medical exam best is to contact the employer about this topic.
By appointment
Monday – Friday: 09:00-17:00

What is needed for the medical exam and what are the costs?
Please contact us before you make an appointment.
The quickest way is to send us an e-mail ( with the empty medical report attached, so we can determine the time schedule and the price. Adequate preparation is needed for the pre-employment medical.
Depending on the variety of medical examinations and additional tests needed the price will vary. We always send you a quotation before appointment. In most cases the employer will reimburse the medical consultation. Ask your employer for the conditions regarding reimbursement.
What do I need to bring with me during the pre-employment medical?
- Always bring your passport or identification card.
- If you use any prescription medication or have a medical history, please bring a copy from your medical file with you if that is possible.
- Most important: the empty medical report of the pre-employment medical exam.
- Ask your employer if you need to pay the medical check yourself first (later reimbursement) or if it is possible to make the payment with invoice.
What are the next steps after consultation?
During the appointment we will perform all necessary physical examinations, functional tests and if needed gather all the material for laboratory analysis. Depending on the nature of the laboratory analysis results will take mostly 1-2 working days for routine analysis and 3-5 working days for more extensive analysis in the medical laboratory.
When all the results are complete we will inform you by secured email and send you all the required documents. When abnormalities are found you always receive this news first and if applicable medical advice. When needed we schedule a new appointment to discuss the results with you.